System: Virtual Host Proxy

Docksal has a built-in reverse proxy container that adds support for running multiple projects or using multiple (arbitrary domains).
By default, the container binds to and routes web requests based on the host name.

DNS resolution for *.docksal domains is automatically configured for your host and project containers.

Default Virtual Host / Domain Name

To find the current project’s virtual host name run fin config | grep '^VIRTUAL_HOST'.

$ fin config | grep '^VIRTUAL_HOST'
VIRTUAL_HOST: myproject.docksal
VIRTUAL_HOST_ALIASES: *.myproject.docksal

By default, the project domain value (myproject.docksal) is derived from the project folder name sans spaces and dashes.
Also, wildcard sub-domain aliases (*.myproject.docksal) are added automatically.

Overriding the Default Domain Name

The default project domain can be set/overridden as follows:

fin config set VIRTUAL_HOST=custom-domain.docksal

Use a single domain in VIRTUAL_HOST. Wildcards are added automatically.

Check configuration changes:

$ fin config | grep '^VIRTUAL_HOST'
VIRTUAL_HOST: custom-domain.docksal
VIRTUAL_HOST_ALIASES: *.custom-domain.docksal

Apply configuration changes with fin project start (fin p start for short).

Use fin vhosts to confirm virtual host configuration was applied in vhost-proxy.

Using Arbitrary Custom Domains

You can use arbitrary custom domains by extending the io.docksal.virtual-host label of the web container in either docksal-local.yml or docksal.yml file in the project.

version: "2.1"


The default values is io.docksal.virtual-host=${VIRTUAL_HOST},*.${VIRTUAL_HOST},${VIRTUAL_HOST}.*.

Apply configuration changes with fin project start (fin p start for short).

Use fin vhosts to confirm virtual host configuration was applied in vhost-proxy.

Automatic DNS resolution for non-.docksal domains (e.g., is not supported. See Managing DNS Manually for a workaround.